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Name: El

Race: Tiefling

Class: Druid

Body: 0 (+1 +1) = 2
Mind: 10 (+1 *1 *+3 *+1) = 16
Soul: 19 (+2 +2 *+2 *+2) = 27
Stat: 2 + 16 + 27

Handaxe (1)
Club (1)

Armour: None
Goes around in echanted robes that she weaves.

Gold: 250 gc

Winged (Race)
Death Magic Affinity (Race)
Unholy Ancestry (Race)
Natural Magic Affinity (Class)
Natural Empathy (Class)
Transform: Bear/Wolf/Hawk (Class)
Craft (Mind)
Healing (Mind)
Element Magic Affinity (Soul)
Magically Adept (Soul)
Subtle Aura (Soul)
Stalwart (Soul)

(1) Deflect Arrow
(1) Force of Will

Redirect Energy

2 Cure
4 Heal
5 Banish
5 Animate Dead
5 Drain Life
2 Overrun
2 Spider Web
2 Summon Raven
3 Grow 10 years plant

Holy/Life (Race)
Ugly +1
Absent-minded +1
Arrogant +1
Social Outcast +2
Delusional +2
Phobia Fear of taking a life +3

Born of demon parentage, El grew up to be a female loner in the woods. She was distrusted by all but the foresters, and so forged a wonderful relationship with the spirits of the woods as a loyal guardian.
Curiously enough, El abhorred killing and avoided it at all costs. She had even gone as to learn some basic healing - highly unusual considering her race's adversion to life spells. Her Aura swells with charisma <ok> though physically she is not strong.

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