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From cards to video games in a hundred years.

A Corporation that got its start in 1889 as a playing card manufacturer in Koyoto, Japan, Nintendo is a company widely known around the world as a computer entertainment/hardware maker. Nintendo went big-time after going into the arcade gaming scene and releasing "Game and Watch" devices. Then in 1985, they created the Famicom, then released it worldwide one year later as the Nintendo Entertainment System.

The system included "Super Mario Bros.," one of the most well known video games in the world. The game featured two plumbers, Mario and Luigi who ran around searching every castle they found to seek Princess Toadstool. No one is quite sure why they were looking for a princess kidnapped in the middle of a "Mushroom Kingdom," but several experts point to the fact that Mario and Luigi get their powers from "Magic Mushrooms" a narcotic associated with hallucination.

Following the success of the Nintendo Entertainment System (Famicom), Nintendo went on to create several other video game consoles:

Game Boy (1989) - a handheld multiple gaming device that has spawned several upgrades including a color edition (Game Boy Color 1998).

Super Nintendo Entertainment System (1991) - An advanced version of the Nintendo Entertainment System that was marketed as better because of its 16-bit microprocessor.

Virtual Boy (1995) - A portable, 6 AA Alkaline eaten', eye cancer causing virtual reality unit that calls 4 shades of red its graphics. Regarded as a complete, stinking failure by everyone including surprisingly enough, the psychotic marketing execs of Nintendo of America.

Nintendo 64 (1996) - A total upgrade to the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, the N64 uses three-dimensional graphics as it's primary display. However it is widely criticized because of its mediocre software. The only great games you'll find on the N64 are Nintendo's own games and Rare's games. I should note, however, that the games that Nintendo and Rare make are quite possibly some of the best in the world.

Nintendo is an incredibly successful company that, over the years has been making more and more mistakes. Only time will tell of its future.

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