The Botanical Garden at Stuttgart / Hohenheim Castle, Germany

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The Botanical Garden at the area of Schloss Hohenheim (Hohenheim Castle) consists of several parts:

The Exotic Garden,

which isn‘t very exotic at all, just a lot of quite ordinary shrubs and trees in a park landscape.
At the end of the area to the left side

The Systematical Garden

can bei found. This is the most interesting part of the whole area. In a rather small space a very large collection of annuals and herbacious plants and shrubs are planted, completed by numerable potted srubs. The plants are arranged according to systematical order (e.g. Solanaceae, Asteraceae...)
Above this section, on the boarder to the next section, some greenhouses may be visited, which are more of the working kind than for demonstration, but contain an interesting assortiment of plants.
The next part - to the far left - is dedicated to

Historical Aspects of Gardening

e.g. the Middle Ages. Inbetween thematical isles can be found (pharmaceutical plants).
Above this thinly planted and widely spread area, heading towards the castle, there is a

Park Area

with different trees and insignificant shrub collections.


All in all this Botanical garden is quite nice and can be recommended specifically to people with botanical interests.

Pricing, Time

Entrance is free. The garden is open anytime. The greenhouses are open only on working days, closed at mealtime.
If you want to see everything you can spend at least half a day.


From the Hauptbahnhof (Central Station) take U5 (to Leinfelden) or U6 (to Möhringen Bahnhof) and get out at Möhringen Bahnhof. Change to U3 (to Plieningen) and go to the terminus (Plieningen). Progress with your own feet in the exact direction the train was heading. After ca. 100 m (after a crossroad) you are entering the Garbenstrasse. On the left side you can find a great map of the whole garden area. on the corner to the right siede of the street you can enter the Exotic Garden, where the same map is found frequently.
if you choose to follow the street instead after 100-200 m a smal street goes off to the right with a small sign indicating „Gewächshäuser“ (= greenhouses). That‘s the easiest way to get to the greenhouses and to the systematic section.
If you proceed even further on this street you will be led directly to the Schloss Hohenheim and the park area.
You can get back the same way: U3 (to Vaihingen) - exit Möhringen Bahnhof. U5 (to Freiberg) or U6 (to Gerlingen) - exit Hauptbahnhof.

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