Paint splattered overalls

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I currently am participating in a highschool production of 'Kiss me Kate' by Cole Porter. A short and sweet overview? But of course! It is a play within a play, so there are double story lines. It follows the story of a troup of actors performing Shakespeares 'Taming of the Shrew' Of course there are all the offstage relationships, the love interests, the flirting, the scandals, all quite ridiculous, lude and crude, but you gotta love it right? Anyways, the thing is, 4 of my best friends have the leads, so they are very much in the limelight. Their characters have fist AND last names! *gasp!* Their costumes are gorgeous, their makeup flawless, they get all the punchlines, the 2 main leads have 10 songs each. Big parts. And then there is me. Stagehand #3. I dont even have a first name! My costume is a smelly old yellow jumper splattered in paint and god knows what. I feel very much in the shadow.. but then I get to thinking.. and thats where the whole point to this comes in. You see, I may have an unsignificant part, I may only get to sing 6 lines, and I may have the ugliest costume of the bunch, but when it comes down to it, we're all the same, just a bunch of actors, having a good time and doing our thing. My friends are still my friends, and no one thinks less of me (although they may think more of my friends, but thats ok) And I am probably only under half the amount of pressure, and having more fun. Then of course you can apply this metaphorically to life. Some people are the stars, like the President of the United States, or a movie star, but the world doesnt go round just for them, everyone plays a part, however small it may be. So dont give up, and dont feel insignificant. If it werent for me, the play would have a few more bumps, and if it werent for you, the world wouldnt be such a sunny place.. So, I say, give me the paint splattered overalls any day!!

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