Why to avoid Berlins night bus system

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Imagine, you go to a bar. With some good friends. You have a few (hhmm.... ok, some) drinks, s lot of good laughs and when time has come to go home, you discover that the next subway will come in 3 hours. Of course, noone knew how long you would stay into that bar and you havent checked the net to see how to get home and now its far too late to do so. Bad.

Now, there is this (in theory) nice thing: the night bus. These vehicles ride during the late night (or early morning) and are supposed to get you home. Only, if you are lucky and have found one of the stops, you will see that the map only shows the next 5 or six bus stops to come and you will have no idea where that bus will get you, once your inside it. You might guess the direction in which the bus will take you, and you are likely to find out that your guess was completly wrong. You will, in most cases, find yourself at the opposit end of the city and not at all where you intended to go. Of course, you can challenge fate and try to take another one of these night buses to see where it will get you. Once you are anywhere near your destination, it is generally so early in the morning, that normal buses and subways are riding.

Suggestion: if you ever come to berlin and face a situation as discribed above, better convince your freinds to stay with you in the bar for about two more hours, this will be a far more funny and interesting experience then trying to ride home.

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