Melbourne, Arkansas USA

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Melbourne is a small quiet country town with a population of only 1562. And a deep dark secret. It began a a simple reearch project for history class. As I began to dig deeper and deeper into the history of this town I discovered, there isn't one. The name was borrowed and no one really knows how it got here. Something just doesn't add up. Like the number of car dealerships. There are 7 dealerships The population of cars exceeds the people. All the businesses in town are lined up neatly along the main highway luring unexpecting tourist. It begins as a rutine pit stop gone terribly wrong. Once they've lured you in your chance of escape is minimul. To all passerby's I heed this warning:keep driving and don't stop till your clear of this town. The first weedend of May just take another route. The inviting banner stating "Welcome to Pioneer Days" spells out trouble. Simply passing through is make impossible by people flooding into the street and road blocks celebrating the history of a town that doesn't exsist. I know there had got to be more to this. Something that is kept hidden behind lock and key with a sign on the door saying beware of bearkat. I know I'm very close to breaking the secret, soon the world will know the answer and hitchhikers will once again be safe. The key had to be........... " shuffling footsteps, scraping chairs a muffled scream" "silence"

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