Magic Users - A Magic The Gathering Group

4 Conversations

What's All This, Then?

Hello there. My name's Mystrunner, and this is yet another club that I've decided to waste large swathes of my time on trying to get going. Many years ago, I began playing a very interesting card game known as Magic - The Gathering. Now, I'm fairly certain that if you're here, reading this, then you've already got a good idea as to what Magic is. But in case you haven't, the link above is quite informative, as is a visit to the official Magic webpage.

Flashes of Inspiration

Now, my plan for all this is a place for the h2g2 community, which is more closely knit than any I've ever seen online, to gather and swap info on the game. Seeing as the odds of most of us meeting each other in a match are fairly low, as are the odds of any juicy tidbits of information we decide to share getting out to the world at large. I'd eventually like to have guides on deckbuilding, theory of colour use, combo listings, infinite mana loops, and such, but for now, perhaps a bit of light chatter, and we'll think about the rest, eh?

So, there you have it. I'll be getting around to putting up a few of my more favorite decks in a bit, and perhaps some descriptions of basic deck-types, like the classic Burn deck, or Stompy, or the ever classic White Weenie. Again, if you've no clue what any of this means, well, good luck to you. Haha! No, I kid. Ask!

- Mystrunner

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