
2 Conversations

This film is simply the funniest film ever created. It stars many of the great comic actors including Lesli Nealson and the late Loyd Bridges. This is named as the ‘ultimate disaster movie’ and is based round a Pan Amm flight which goes drasticly wrong when the pilots become ill from food poisoning. Johney, in the controll tower, acts superbly with many great lines such as "There’s a sale at Pennies", when he is asked what the news is, and when asked what can he make out of a piece of this piece of paper he replies "Well I can make a hat, or a broach or a terordactyle". The flim concentrates hevily on puns and the comic actions of the charactures but this cirtainly doesn’t make it any less hillarious. The plane does crash land on the runway arriving at Gate 2, Gate 3, Gate 4; Gate 25, Gate 27; as air Israel leaves the runway. This is a truly superb film and you should watch it.

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