Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Notable associations* with Brazil include:
1. Nuts
2. Coffee
3. The statue of Jesus in Rio de Janeiro
4. Rainforest
The local language is Portuguese** although a dialect
shared with many other locations is 'dolluz' which
has it's roots in a primitive verbal translation of
a form of Base 10 numbering system.
Apart from items 1 & 2 above, one of Brazil's largest
exports is Scenery. The country is riddled with gigantic
open-air workshops where the traveller can see a plethora
of highly accurate representations of trees, vegitation
and mountains, all worked in real natural media, such as
wood, cellulose and rock.
A site which has to be seen to be believed is the city of
Sao Paolo. This is only possible from orbit, however, as
even at cruising altitude from a passenger aircraft, the
city's impossible limits are beyond view. (As are the
20 million + inhabitants, at this height).
*Source: Survey of words associated with 'Brazil'
- The Wall, June 2000 (Participants:1)
** however, this must be a very localised form, as one
Brazilian passenger on the Researcher's flight home
did not understand the question 'Coffee or Tea' when
asked by the air stewardess, proferring a steaming
flask ***.
*** I had some. It was somewhat distinct from the flavour
I usually associate with coffee but then what do you
expect if you fly with a major national airline whose
primary language is French.