Cafe in Spain
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
However, people in Spain don't drink cafe, they "take" it: "tomar un cafe" is how they express it.
What cafe do they serve?
The offered kinds of cafe are distinguished by its contents of milk.
(Scientifically expressed: the range of cafe shows a gradient of milk,
or, the milk's series' expansion of cafe)
You get two things. A glass with ice cubes and a cup of cafe (espresso).
Fill some sugar to the cafe and fill it over the cubes into the glass.
Stirr it a bit, it looks cool and makes the cafe the to become the same meanwhile.
If it's cold enough, drink, errrh... take it.
It is truely refreshing!
It's pure espresso.
And they have nothing but the espresso.
By the quantity they take daily, if you're joining them, your stomach will show
its honest thankfulness that it's espresso.
CORTADO ("cut")
It's cafe with a little bit of milk. Still served in an espresso cup (or glass).
Served in an usual cafe cup, it's an espresso filled up with steamed milk.
It reminds Italians of their Capuccino. But it's without chocolate.
The cup is full of milk, and receives a spot (mancha) of cafe.
It's a (cafe-) spotted milk.
With or without sugar?
There are no rules. But if you want to keep concentrated in Spain, especially in the summer, you have to add a bit.
Don't worry, the heat will make your cells burn all the carbonhydrates!
Tomamos un cafe?