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Fluid replacement is vital to the well-being of all organic life. However, some beings take fluid replacement to health-threatening extremes, with the enthusiastic imbibing of Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters.
A cocktail invented by Zaphod Beeblebrox, its ingredients include Ol' Janx Spirit, Santraginean sea water, Arcturan Mega-gin, Fallian marsh gas, Qualactin Hypermint extract, the tooth of an Algolian Suntiger, Zamphuor and an olive. It should be drunk with extreme care.
Ol' Janx Spirit is a particularly vicious alchololic drink. This clip demonstrates its adverse affects. Wiping the neck of a bottle with a towel is more likely to kill any bacteria on the towel than on the bottle.
It is an interesting fact that almost every culture invents a drink called a jynnan tonnyx, or something that sounds identical.
Some beings reject alcohol, and instead drink tea. No-one is quite sure why.

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