Rocky Horror Picture Show

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In my opinion, this is the best movie ever made. The music is great, the cast is great, and the story is funny. Sure the effects suck, but it was based on a bunch of old Horror and Sci-Fi movies. Primarily Frankenstein. I will not give much away in case you haven't seen it, but the story revolves around Brad and Janet, just a couple of clean cut kids. Their car breaks down on their way to visit their ex-teacher, Dr. Everett (von) Scott. Since they are in the rain, in the middle of nowhere, they walk to a nearby castle to find if they could use a phone. There, they happen upon a celebration of some sort. After a bit of dancing, comes the host. He is a transexual, transvestite, mad scientist named Dr. Frank-N-Furter. To find out more, see the movie. If you're the adventerous sort, go see a showing of the movie. Showings started in 1977 or 1978. A showing is when a group of people called a cast act out the movie in front of a screen showing the movie. People in the audience throw things at the screen. A short list includes water, popcorn, confetti, hotdog, rubber gloves, and insults. The Rocky Horror Picture Show was originaly a flop when released. However 20th century Fox re-relased the film in theaters at the midnight time slot. As the show ran, more and more people started to come. Fans of the movie started to create the afore mentioned showings. Some people say that the point of Rocky Horror showings is that they are places where everyone is except, and that no one is outcast. This is true, aslong as you are not a Rocky Virgin. A Rocky Virgin is some one who has never been to a Rocky Horror showing before. It does not count if you watch the movie at home. There is a follow up to Rocky Horror called Shock Treatment. It was a big disapointment to Rocky fans. Richard O'Brien is currently working on a real sequel.

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