Eagle Eye Challenge #8 - Decomposing Composers

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Eagle Eye Quiz #8 - Decomposing Composers

Each of these medical conditions contains the name of a composer of classical music hidden in order within the letters.
The length of the hidden composer is in brackets.

NB: Answers may be more than one word. Most are dead, hence the title, but a small number may still be living. Before you ask, these are all genuine medical conditions, even 17 and 35.

ERRATA: Question 31 has the 7th and 8th letters of the answer transposed (my mistake). Also, two of the questions have the same answer.

Example Question:

QuestionAnswer Length
0Hypokalemic alkalosis with hypercalcinuria(10)

Answer: "PALESTRINA" (HyPokALEmic alkaloSis wiTh hypeRcalcINuriA)

All you have to do is name the hidden composer in each medical condition.

QuestionAnswer LengthSolved By
2Angiosarcoma of the liver(6)B'Elana
3Barnicoat Baraitser syndrome(7)B'Elana
4Brachymesophalangy type 2(6)Popa Mintin
5Cerebellar ataxia infantile with progressive external ophthalmoplegia(9)B'Elana
6Cholangitis, primary sclerosing(5)Puzzler
7Chromosome 15q, partial deletion(6)B'Elana
8Cleft lip palate-tetraphocomelia(7)Popa Mintin
9Colonic atresia(6)Artisan
10Congenital deafness(5)Artisan
11Dental fluorosis(6)Gladly
12Desbuquois syndrome(7)B'Elana
13Distal myopathy with vocal cord weakness(6)B'Elana
14Distichiasis heart congenital anomalies(7)Popa Mintin
15Environment associated hypertension(8)Artisan
16Epidermolysis bullosa(6)Popa Mintin
17Exploding head syndrome(5)Popa Mintin
18Fructose intolerance(6)Gladly
19Gastrocutaneous syndrome(6)Popa Mintin
20Gestational diabetes mellitus(8)Popa Mintin
22Hereditary deafness(5)B'Elana
23Homozygous hypobetalipoproteinemia(6)Popa Mintin
24Infective endocarditis(5)B'Elana
25Lenz microphthalmia syndrome(7)B'Elana
26Phocomelia Schinzel type(5)Popa Mintin
27Pseudoarylsulfatase A deficiency(7)Artisan
28Renal failure(5)Artisan
30Scheurermann's disease(8)B'Elana
31Spastic paraplegia nephritis deafness(10)Popa Mintin
32Subacute cerebellar degeneration(6)B'Elana
33Systemic carnitine deficiency(9)Gladly
34Ulcerative colitis(5)Puzzler
35Uncombable hair syndrome(5)B'Elana
36Wallerian degeneration(6)B'Elana


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