Currywurst, Neugraben, Hamburg, Germany

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If you are in Germany, don't miss to eat a "Currywurst". The best one (I found my live) you will get from Erich in Hamburg-Neugraben. The Pub is called: "Am Falkenberg". (ask for the Street: Falkenbergsweg).

If you go there make shure that you are not a vegetarian!

Do you feel hungry? You just stoped a hunger strike? Go there!

If you never been to "Erich", you don't know how a "Currywurst" look like.
So I try to explain it:

A Currywurst is a sussage it is: 30 cm long and has a radius from about 2 cm.
It is fried and served with chips, ketchup, mayonnaise, and (a very smal) slaw.

Nobody, expect "Erich" is able to serve a "Currywurst", so if you been to
an otherplace, it was no "Currywurst". Belief me!!

"Erich" has brought extra big plates, because the normal one where to small.

If you are not in training you can order a half "Currywurst". It is possible too.

If you want to order a "Currywurst" simply order a CWP
(German pronounce it: Sa(y)-Wh(ich)-P(ost)E(lephant)) and a
beer (the German word is Bier, but it is pronounced like beer)

Togehter with a Beer, it will cost about 6 EUR (12 DM), thats a fair price
(but only because it is a real (long,good)"Currywurst").

In the Pub there is:
- a dart
- a music maschine
- a posibility to sit outside (I fear you get wet, cause of the rain)

:-) If you can eat three CWP, "Erich" will pay one.

:-( Don't go there after 8 pm, they will close there kitchen. If you want to get sure, that you get a "Currywurst" call +49-40-7018655.
:-( On Sunday they close at 7 pm.

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