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When entering any situation involving the aquirement of a new roommate, there are a few steps that must be made to make the living situation much more enjoyable.

1. If your roommate is very social, make sure you make a roommate contract!!!
2. If your roommate talks a lot, make sure to invest in a decent pair of headphones to use everytime he or she has to rant about one thing or another.
3. If your roommate has a girlfriend that comes to visit every weekend, make sure you have a room to go to in case of sexilation.
4. If your roommate smells, make sure you have pleanty of febreeze and air fresheners. Leaving windows open is always good too.
5. If your roommate is completely antisocial, try to make him feel welcome in conversations, this creates less awkward situations in the future.
6. If your roommate is a pornoholic and masterbates every freaking hour of the day, good luck with that.
7. If your roommate has tons of people over in the room all the time, the headphones come into use again, not to mention the roommate contract.
8. If your roommate stays up all hours of the night watching movies or "surfing" the internet, earplugs are a wise investment and even eye-cover can help.
9. If your roommate is a very angry person, don't talk to him very much, and if you do, sympathize with his complaints, and try to get him on your good side. This way he doesn't murder you in your sleep.
10. If your roommate is of the opposite sex, then become very friendly, remove locks from the bathroom doors, and good for you.

Roommates can be very tough to deal with, but there are always ways to get out of a tough situation.

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