Santa Claus

2 Conversations

Does Santa Claus really exist?

1. No classified kind of the family of reindeers is able to fly. BUT there are more than 300,000 species which still have to
be classified, although these are mainly insects and bacteria, that does not exclude necessarily flying reindeers which were only seen
by Santa Claus before.

2. There are 2 billion children (persons, not reached 18 years) in the world. BUT as Santa Claus does not deliver muslims, hindus, jews
and buddhists, his work reduces to c. 15% of the whole - 378
million children. With an average number of children of 3.5 in
every house that sums up to a total of 91.8 million houses. We
assume that in every house there is, at least, one good child.

3. Santa Claus has a 31-hour-Christmas-Day, because of the different
time zones, if he travels from east to west (which seems logical). That makes 822.6 visits per second. Taking this into consideration, Santa Claus has 1/1000 second time for his work: to park, jumping
out of his sleigh, to climb down the chimney, fill the socks,
spreading the rest of the presents under the Christmas tree, eating the rests of the Christmas meal, climbing up the chimney and flying to the next house. Supposing that all of these 91.8 million stops are placed regularly on earth (what of course is not the case, but
we accept that as a basis for calculations), we get a distance of
1.3 km between the houses, a total distance of 120.8 million km,
not counting the stops for what everyone of has to do at least once in 31 hours plus eating etc.

That means that Santa Claus's sleigh flies with a speed of 1040 km
per second, that is 3,000 times the speed of sound. As a
comparision: the fastast vehicle build by mankind, the Ulysses
Space Probe, drives with a ridiculous speed of 43.8 km per second. A normal reindeer achieves a top speed of 24 km per HOUR.

4. The sleigh's load leads to an interesting effect. Assuming, each
child gets not more than a middle-sized Lego-Set (c. 1 kg), that
sums up to a total weigh of 378,000 tons, not counting Santa Claus
who is mainly described as having overweight.

A normal reindeer is not able to pull more than 175 kg. Even if we assume that a "flying reindeer" (see 1. point) is able to pull ten times the normal weight, you need for your sleigh not only eight
or, maybe nine reindeers, but 216,000. That rises the total weight
- not counting the sleigh itself - to 410,400 tons. As a
comparison: that is more than four times the weight of the Queen

5. 410,400 tons at a speed of 1040 km/s produce an unbelievable air
pressure - through which the reindeers are heated as a space ship, returning into the atmosphere of the earth. Because of this, the
first pair of reindeers have to absorb an energy of 16.6 trillion
Joule. Per second. Each one of this pair. Meaning: they are
practically inflamed in one moment, the next pair of reindeers is
exposed to the air pressure and there is going to be a deafening

The whole team of reindeers is going to be vapourised within 5/1000 seconds. While this is happening, Santa Claus is undergoing an
accelerationn 17,500 times bigger than the acceleration of earth. A 120 kg weighing Santa Claus (what is a very careful assumption if
youu believe what is told about his outer appearance) would be
nailed to the end of his sleigh - with a power of 20,6 million
Newton. This leads us to the conclusion: IF there had been a Santa
Claus once who delivered the presents, he is dead by today.

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