Worms (english version)

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Worms is not a question of little slimy creatures crawling through the dirt. Worms is a town of 70000 inhabitants situated on the Rhein, on your way from Ludwigshafen to Mannheim. Historically it is known for Luthers visit in 1621, where he had to stand in front of the Kaiser and said: „Here I stand, I can´t do anything else" (Sorry, I am bilingual, but I am not any good at "perfect translations“. So if anybody could improve this Phrase)

Today he stands in replica on the Luthermemorial. The lokal joke is: „Here I stand, and if I go one step further I will fall down.“

There are a number of interessting historical sights, although I find the town as such pretty boring (compared to all the oportunities the Black Forest offers me:-))
I recomend to take a look at the jewish heritage: Synagoge, Jewish cemitary (there is a dispute with Prague, which is the oldest european jewish cemitary), the Raschitor,...

The Worms Dom is to be named in one breath with Mainz and Cologne. For all socialdemocratic catholics christmas should be a baned day, as it is said, that Helmut Kohl visits the Christmas service. (This Statement is not 100% proof, as I am neither catholic nor a social democrat.)

I do not know anything about the way Worms has developed in the last 10 years. My memories are those of my childhood and they are conected with my father going around and showing the town to english and american friends, who were interested in churches and history. We also had a look at a several of the places with one or the other teacher. Arts or religion.

... What could I tell you about Worms nightlife? Not a lot. I never went anywhrere exept to the inevitable Döner ("Want any sp`ce?") and the one or other restaurant. I know, that the chinese restaurant near the Martin´s Kirche still exists. It´s the normal kind of chinese restaurant. One of the quite normal sort of pub is the "Zwiebel" (Onion) which is still open.

What I remember well of course is school. We had threee Gymnasien (Perhaps someone would be so kind as to write an article on the german schoolsystem, so I don´t have to go into detail about that), that is the Gaus-Gymnasium, the Rudi-Stefan-Gymnasium and the Eleonoren-Gymnasium. Well, and being a Gausi, I guess any schoolmates should by now know who I am (numbers being cut down to four brits knocking around the place up until 1988).

I met a doctor once, years later, who had spent some time in the Worms area. He went to Mannheim for his Abitur. He said: "Worms, they´ve got "Farmers-Gymnasium"(now, swearwords and cynical expressions are realy hard to translate!), for all those kids from the countryside. Nothing special you can expect from there."

Well I do not expect anything special of Worms anymore. I do not want to live there anyway. Come to the black forest, everybody! Better air, better views, better life, thats what I say!!! :-)

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