What Is Eco-Tourism

2 Conversations

The word Eco-Tourism is made up of to parts, 'ECO' and 'TOURISM'. To answer your question "What Is Eco-Tourism" I am compeled to explain them in separate parts;

In the begin the universe was created, despite the fact that this has made many people very angry and has been widely considered a bad move, people insist on taking steps to protect the universe and its enviroment. And this is what the prefex Eco means; taking steps to protect the enviroment.

Tourism is usual best shown in Australia, as pale, black hair Asians stare in complete awe at a passing Kangaroo.

So to get the mean of of Eco-Tourism you combine the two meanings. Pale black haired Asians, taking steps towards a Kangaroo to 'protect' it from scientific research...

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