the ICP

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first and foremost I should mention that there is another icp article, however as a juggulo, i feel that it while a good atempt is not entirely adaquet.

now that that is finished, the entry:

Violent Jay

is one of the two people in the band. He seems to do most of the rapping. In fact ther are several songs in which Shaggy says little if anything.

Shaggy 2 Dope

is the second rapper in the band. He seems to do less, although he does do a few songs in which J takes a step away from the cxenter stage, and atleast one in which he doesn't say a word.


Detroit manufactured pop,which is possibly why ICP likes it so much1,there are 40 faygo flavors including:frosh, redpop, root beer, orange and coconut cream pie2. ICP literaly sprays the audiance with faygo during proformances.In fact they actualy take a faygo truck on tour with them. They don't tour Europe because they can't get the massive quantity of faygo necassary for their show through customs


Here are a few words used frequently in ICP songs

dark carnival= the force that guides the 6 cards(this will be illaborated on later).

chicken= redneck.
juggalo= male ICP fan.
juggulette= female ICP fan.

the 6

The Insane Clown Posse has released several cds but there are 6 main ones that tell of the dark carnaval. These are the 6 Jokers Cards. The songs on these CDs have a message behind them, I will post these messages here as I figure them out.

The Carnival of Carnage

"It was a quiet night in the town of,... well your town, the breeze gently blows and a carnival sets up tent, and displays the carnage it has lived with for eternity"

This was their first cd as the Insane Clown Posse, though they had released a few as the Inner City Posse. this one was unique as it is the only one that was more of a thing than a person( or people).It is the entity in which the others are contained.

Never had it Made-demonstrates that life destroys our innocence as we go along

Your Rebel Flag-an attack on racism

The Ring Master

The leader of the carnival of carnage, he takes the carnaval where it needs to go that town that you can't pronounce the name of, the town two miles away, your town, where ever

The Ringmaster is a collector of the souls of bigots, rednecks, and rich people that didnt't share. He covers the souls in wax and displays them to those of whose souls he takes before covering them in wax themselves

Murder-go-round- the juggalo version of Karma

Chickin' Huntin'- another attack on racism

the Riddle box

A display of the carnival, when you die you are in a dark chamber the only thing you see is the jack-in-the-box that has a question mark on it that is worn with age.

The riddlebox is a particularly large jack-in-the-box that decides whether you go to Shangri-la or Hell's pit.

Toy Box- a warning against events similar to the Columbine incident

3 Rings- don't make fun of wierd people

the Great Milenko

An act in the carnival, he is an evil entity that will control and manipulate people.

The Great Milenko is a master of necromancy and a caster of illusions. he is an anomaly as he is only half of himself. He atempts to lead you down the path of darkness with his illusions, however without the power of your greed and wickedry he is incomplete and thus powerless. He is you, you are he, and together you are the Great Milenko

How Many Times?- points out flaws in the system

Halls of Illusions- points out where people mess up there lives

Hallelelujah- ya know those people on TV that say stuff that boils down to "give me money because I'm some religouse figure head and if you don't you'll go to Hell", this songs warns you against them

the Amazing Jeckle Brothers

The third act in the carnival, there is Jack the wicked and Jake the just. The two are in a conflict over you and your soul Jack trying to mess Jake up, Jake trying to catch everything.

They are each half of you. The price of the admission to there show is a single human soul. Your sins are formed into balls, and if they are too heavy Jack jeckel wins, Jake drops a ball, and you suffer in hell.

If you see the act copmleted Jake the just wins and you see the light of shangri-la.

terrible-points out the fact that media focusus on things that shouldn't matter instead of what they should focus on

the Wraith

The Wraith is a being so powerful he can exist in the land of the living and that of the dead, he goes by many names but is known to the living only as The Wraith. He decends from the hevens to witness the death of all mortal beings to take them on the path that they have chosen.

There are two halves to this card.

shangri-la - heven, or rather a tour through it.
this is the cd when a secret is revealed, the secret of the dark Carnival the secret is
the Dark Carnival is God, you know the big cheese, the head honcho of the universe, the creator.

the songs of Shangri-la are meant to describe Heaven, except:

Hell's forecast-a dark warning of what is for most

The Unveiling-meant to explain everything on the jokers cards

Hell's pit -"...and when The Wraith take you, his grip is hard as a nail/he turn your world upside down and make it rain Hell..." Hell or rather a tour through it. Hell is not a nice place and they display it in its full horror and they don't say juggalo once in the entire cd, this is because they don't want to see a single juggalo in hell(this is not a cd you want to go to sleep listening to, I know from expieience)

everything on this disk is meant to describe Hell

1Shaggy and J are from Detroit2yes they have a few flaovors that are pies

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