No Proof For, and None Against...

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There are many things on Earth that can be questioned remorselessly. In fact, many many concepts that we Humans have concieved can be called into question.
An example to get your mind on the right track is a big one: Is there such thing as afterlife?
This is a fairly big question, and heavily based on which religion you follow or were brought up on. Some (indeed many) people may say that there is no such thing, as there is no proof. If you go beyond just thinking about it you may find yourself feeling very chilled: when we die, we die. That's it. Nature just snuffs us out, erases us, without a second thought, and often without a first thought. Nature doesn't care about humans, it could do with getting rid of a few. When a human dies, the memory is lost, the experience vanishes, the life leaves a very insignificant void which is quickly swallowed up by the rest of the world as it expands in every direction.
Imagine yourelf dying. You close your eyes, exhale... and what? Your brain stops working, the heart stops beating... but where does the self-awareness, self-consciousness, and knowledge go? It just does.
So, you may conclude that people have comforted themselves over time by projecting their self-being beyond their demise. An afterlife... the cushioning from the cold and frank truth that faces us may have engendered Religious beliefs themselves. But it has got to the extent that it has become a truth in itself...
But what if it was true to begin with?
It is indeed an intriguing thought. Where could humans thousands of years ago developed the concept of life beyond death? Could it have been from the truth? Is there indeed life beyond death? If there isn't, why do people claim to have had previous lives? Why can people remember facts which they had not had access to in this lifetime? But there is no definite proof to say that they are telling the truth, and there is indeed no evidence to proove that there is life after death besides the beliefs of millions and some people who claim to have experienced it.
However, there is no proof to the contrary. We have no evidence of people just ding and that being that. So far scientists have not found methods to explain where all the information collected in an individual's brain goes after death. You can remember many things, so where do all those images of pain and happiness go? They exist, so they must be transferred somewhere. No energy can be created or destroyed, it can merely be converted. Perhaps it stays in the brain, menaing that we can access freely the information in someone's brain; we merely need to find the decoder to orgainse the trillions of segments of synapses in the brain into actual information. So where does the functionality go? Are we merely just biological organisations of cells which absorb what we see and hear and sense and store it in our brains? If so, then why are we self-aware?

As I stated in the introduction: There are many questionable answers; and few answers to many questions.

Thus is how the book of the human is written. Constantly seeking something which we do not even know is there...

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