1 Conversation

If I talk about love with you,I will loose,If I donot ,having become barb an expression will affect in mouth.
History is witness that truth never be die but that remains in changing.
Trough my opinion there is nobody nonsense like me but it is wrong because inner every human there is sensible person.
Eyes to eyes love is opened expression.
Brain is sensible and heart is nonsense therefore war is continue between spirituality and materiality.
There is itense feeling of uncosidering between both of us.
Love is like death but death is…….!?
Friendship is soul of all relationships.
Humanity is oddful creation of God but human have forgotten a wonder to some degree.
Heart says that I may break all hearts.
Love is a feeling which is like termite.
This is truth I love you but I donot…….!
Poet donot see to sea because sea is going to complex.

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