
1 Conversation

Have you ever tried to start a band?
It's easy enough to think up a name ours is 'Penfold' however having decided this was a nice name I realised that I didnt know what it meant. I tried to find it in the dictionary but t just said somthing about sheep. I designed a logo, (which was a bit needless but it killed some time)
Soon enough I found a lead giutarist who told me that Penfold was mighty mouse's sidekick, I also found a rhythm guitarist and vocalist.
All was going well for Penfold, every musician I know to was eager to join and full of help and even people who can't play anything or sing wanted to join just for the hell of it.

But it proved very hard to get everyone in the same place at the same time and when we did we just sat, listened to music and drank only managing to spend five minutes or so actually playing music.
So I wrote a song called 'chewing gum stuck to my soul' and we finally got to work on it. Maybe one day we might play it to someone outside the band.

Anyway can anyone tell me what Penfold actually means?

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