Iceland and hot springs

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When you travel to Iceland, which some people does, you wonder how people there stay warm. Why they don't mind the rain, the cold wind from every direction, and if you are a lucky guy, all directions at the same time, and the cold temperatures. Well here is the answer.

The hot spring

A hot spring is a place, where hot water comes out of the earth, temperatures between 35°C to 100°C (95°F to 212°F). This water smells like sulphur, but it's for free, and can be very nice in colour. So if you see people in swim suits just sitting in the middle of nowhere with a smile on their face, a smile as they just found out what life is all about and some kind of weirdness mixed to this, then you are at a hot spring... Those people are very normal and nice persons, they just look at you like that, because the enjoy the moment of being in that spring the very second and so they are happy.

Vital effects of hot springs

When you are in Iceland, and you just have experienced a good icelandic weather, say rain at a middle strength, wind from south and north, and about 7°C (44.6 °F), than you would do almost anything to warm up a bit.
Some people travel in Iceland on a bike. Well nobody knows why they are doing this, not even them, but they know what a good hot spring is for. So you check on the map, where a hot spring is located and go there. And as soon as you see the steam from the warm water, you can feel the good energy of the spring. And as soon as you are in the spring, you know why they are there, you know why you are there and you know what's all about existence.
So one should never underestimate the true spiritual and vital power of hot water in a cold country.

Tested hot springs in Iceland

Some of the hot springs I have tested, but I have to say that this list is incomplete. But nevertheless I will try to complete this list this year, so stay tuned and have a look at this entry in august and september.

  1. When you arrive in Iceland with the ferry from Denmark, you will get to Seyðisfjörður. When you choose to travel to the north you have to visit this hot spring. It is at this co-ordinates: N 65°48'06.7" W 14°54'36.7".
    You will find it and it is a very nice place to start with hot springs.
  2. When you arrive with a plane, you should land in Keflavik. From there you can visit the "Blue Lagoon", which is a tourist spot, but the water is light blue and like milk to look trough. So it is expensive, but worth a try.

This list will be completed turing august and september 2000!

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