Bamenohl, Nordrhein-Westphalia, Germany

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Bamenohl, Nordrhein-Westphalia, Germany

Bamenohl is a small village in the highlands called Sauerland
somewhere in the middle of Germany. It's small and there is nothing

If you look at a map of Germany, draw a line from Bonn to Hamburg
and one from Münster to Mainz; where those both lines cross (it's
mostly in the mid of nowhere) there lies Bamenohl.


Bamenohl has a quiet a long history, but really nothing happend
there. The first mention of Bamenohl was about 865. Since then, the
castle was destroyed, rebuilded, destroyed, rebuilded, destroyed,
rebuilded, ...

The name Bamenohl means marshy, dirty place.

The church was biuld 1915 and it's not really worth a visit.

In the last years, Bamenohl gets somewhat like a regional
significant town because of it's supermarkets: In the last years there
were build one everything-selling supermarket, two food, one chemist
and one supermarket for build.

Today Bamenohl has about 3,500 inhabitants.


Bamenohl lies in the Lenne valley between Finnentrop and
Grevenbrück. It has a church, a primary school, a Schützenplatz, some
shops, two bank branches, a main road, two filling stations, no book
store, no cinema. It's small. There are woods all around. It's
idyllic and nothing ever happens there.


The only cultural thing is the Schützenfest that is held
every year on the second weekend in September. It's a three days
party where all inhabitants prepare for: they save money during the
whole year to drink for whole three days.

Ways to Bamenohl

The main street is the B236. You cannot reach Bamenohl by car over
the freeway directly (of course), you has to leave it at Olpe - and
drive about 35km through the wounderful forests.

Another possibility is using the train. The next station is in
Finnentrop, about 2km from Bamenohl. From there a bus (line H94) goes
direcly to Bamenohl. There are two bus - stops: Killeschlade and
Volksbank - the second is near the center.

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