Big Mad Mr T's XML Pilot Audition

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Big Mad Mr T's Attempt

Add a link to Douglas Adam's and Mark Moxon's page.

Click here for DNA's bio page, or here for Mark Moxon's.

Put the following into a list with bullet points.

The members of the h2g2 team are:

  • Mark
  • Anna
  • Peta
  • Crusader
  • Sam
  • and Abi

Add a link to your favourite h2g2 page and entry

My favourite page on h2g2 is Ask the h2g2 Community1.

My favourite entry on h2g2 is The Pavements of London2.

And finally...

I first came accross the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy when I bought the radio series on tape for my dad, for his birthday. (My mum had told me he liked it when it was first on). Predictably, I ended up enjoying it even more than him, and went on to buy both series (one on CD!) and read all the books - many times.

I was idly watching the BBC's Tomorrow's World when Douglas Adams appeared to announce the launch of a new website... h2g2. They were making a real Hitch Hiker's Guide - just like I'd hoped - and best of all, I could be part of it. Not being too hasty, a waited a few days for the servers to calm down before I registered - and I've not looked back since.

The only problem with h2g2 is that we, as researchers, are supposed to get out there, experience life to the full and then write our experiences down. How are we supposed to do this when such a wealth of information, people and interests are available at the click of a button on h2g2?

- Big Mad Mr T.

1The page where you can pick the brains of everyone else on h2g2, a wide range of -ahem- knowledgeable and friendly folk who will put in their penny's worth - or at least offer a witty comment.2I might not be a Londoner but I'm English and we all love our capital - even if we pretend we don't. This article brings it to life and reminds us how infuriating the place is and how lucky we are to live in satellite towns, slums or Basingstoke, where the selection of shops and facilities are pathetic.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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