What is it anyway? (a rant by a Freemason)

2 Conversations

Before I proceed, let me state that the opinions voiced herein are my own and do not represent those of any Masonic body or authority.

That said...

Here's what Freemasonry is NOT:

A secret society, a means of getting on in your job, a means of corrupting policemen, judges etc, a bizarre satanic cult, I could go on.

It is:

A wholly benign fraternal society with publicly available aims and ideals which uses ceremonial to inculcate the priciples of moral behaviour and teach the individual about himself.

But, of course we would say that, wouldn't we?

Well, if you are THAT paranoid, you had better get some therapy, but if you aren't..

Then try and look at the instituion objectively, rather than be swayed by the irrational prejudice which permeates Freemasonry's public image. One of Freemasonry's faults is that its traditional response to its critics has been to keep silent - which has naturally been interpreted as meaning that we have something to hide. Actually, we only keep bits of our ceremonial private because it spoils the plot for new joiners if we reveal them.

Enough material for a debate?

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