The tunnel

2 Conversations

So we're going to shoot through the tunnel tomorrow with the beer runners and pot-bellied, fag-hanging tobacco smugglers, grab some ridiculously cheap duty-free gin before they abolish it,and glide onto the Shuttle for Calais.
Not as glamourous as Alpha Centauri, but as sleazy as any HG spaceport. The train itself, though is bright and boring, 35 minutes of a near-undetectable 140 km/hr till it climbs back out into the Calais sunshine and tips you out onto the motorway for Belgium.

Not as glamourous as Alpha Centauri, but as sleazy as any HG spaceport. The train itself, though it bright and boring, 35 minutes of a near-undetectable 140 km/hr till it climbs back out into the Calais sunshine asnd tips you out onto the motorway for Belgium.
The Belgian frontier is even more decadent, as every second car is full of cheap tobacco hunting Geordies, back axles scraping the roadside. The cars are low hung too.

And us, we're off to buy a cheap car for GBP2000 less than in England. Crazy, but legal. Then we'll eat in one of those Belgian restaurants which make it all perfectly clear why the average Belgian silhouette is like a barrel on tree trunks, and glide home again, with more duty free. No, you wouldn't want to go on a cross Channel ferry instead, not after steak in beer, with mammoth plates of fine crispy chips.

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