Parking Attendants/Traffic Wardens

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I thought as I have just finished working as a Parking Attendant(Traffic Warden) for Luton Borough Council, I would try and give some insight into the job. At the same time will answer a few myths, half truths about the job.


In my time as a Parking Attendant(P.A) I have never been paid nor received a bonus for the amount of 'tickets' I did. Luton Borough Council does not and never has paid out a bonus/commission for tickets done. Nor is there a set amount of tickets you have to do.

In Luton we were always accused of 'Never going to Bury Park'. A mainly Asian area within Luton. I have been sent to this area at least once per week in my time as a P.A. Most weeks being sent there twice a week. Especially when Football was being played in Kenilworth Road.

When a ticket was issued I was often asked 'I thought you allowed 5 minutes/10 minutes/15 minutes/etc on the line.

The only vehicle allowed 5 minutes in Luton would be a van or commercial vehicle, this is to see if any loading/unloading is occuring.
Private cars can have a ticket issued to them as soon as possible. Which means that if you are seen down the street, and the P.A comes up and then issues a ticket it is more than possible 10 minutes have elasped. This would be in the case of someone else getting a ticket before you, allowing time to write up the ticket, and continue on to you.

If Double yellow lines are present this means no waiting all day every day. 24hrs a day 365 days a year. Single yellow lines mean no waiting between the hours shown. In Luton this means Mon to Fri or Sat dependent on area, from 8:00 am 6:00 pm

The other marks to look for are Double kerb marks, this means no loading, in addition to no waiting 24 hours a day 365 days a year, single kerb marks must have a 'plate' nearby to indicate when 'no loading' takes effect. Again in Luton generally 8:00 to 9:15 am and 4:15 to 6:00 pm. If you have a disabled badge this can not be used during the 'No loading' periods in those areas where kerb marks/'plates' indicate this.

In car parks in Luton there is an unwritten rule that 5 minutes after a 'Pay and Display' ticket expires, then a ticket can be issued. So if you were more than 5 minutes late to the car park and get a ticket, don't expect to be let off!


If anyone out there applies for the job, and gets it! Be prepared for the following, all of which has happened to me in my time!

Drivers tooting their horn, you turn round to be greeted by two fingers/one finger raised in your direction. Often followed by the age old cry of 'Get a proper job' some times with one or more swear words following, or before hand'

People in the street telling you that you masturbate, you are a child born out of wedlock. Or just spitting at you.

Beware when giving out a ticket, if the driver comes back. He or She will either threaten you, try to bribe you, or occasionally just beat you up. Also drivers can be known to spit at you, even try and wrestle your book out of your hand to throw away.

If any of this happens when you do the job, then normally the Police will do nothing, don't report it to you superior, as a form will be filled in. Then nothing will happen. In Luton you need to ask the name and address of the person beating you up, racially abusing you, or spitting at you. As although a ticket can be given via a number plate, this can't be used to trace the person who assults you.

Also expect people telling you that as you do the job you are paid to take insults, assults etc.

Enjoy the job if you can!

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