Marin County, California

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I should say that I just moved to Marin County a few months ago, but - in true H2G2 spirit - I will try and say sometthing useful about it.

Marin County is north of San Francisco, across the Golden Gate bridge. The bridge itself is gorgeous and a pleasant place to be caught in traffic, which you invariably will be if you drive across it.

But enough about the bridge. Marin is a lush, green, temperate and extremely expensive place. The best way to live reasonably in Marin is to have bought a house there in 1968 and stayed put, or to be the child of people who did. The next best way is to get a high-paying job in the area and relocate.

The main drawback to the second option is that the place is populated almost entirely by folks who used the first option. They're not awful people, but they are either old money, old hippies, or children with names like Kai.

Right off the bridge is a town called Sausalito, which will remind the more seasoned traveler of the south of France, if they squint, not the least of which because of all the European tourists. It has a fantastic view of The City and can be staggeringly expensive to eat, drink, park, or live there.

Other things to know about Marin that may help explain its character: it was headquarters for the Grateful Dead; it is the headquarters for George Lucas and Industrial Light & Magic; the most popular car is probably a Jeep.

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