Chili (bachelor)

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This my recipe for Big Steve's Bachelor Chili:


One (1) can of Hormel Chili *
One Half (1/2) of a 16 oz. jar of good salsa, I like anything Southwestern style, with corn and black beans
A lot of green Tobasco Sauce
Some diced white onion
Plenty of Lawry's Season Salt
Much paprika
A little bottled Buffalo wing sauce
A small amount of ginger ale
A dash of garlic salt
A little taste of horseradish
A few shakes of canned parmesan cheese
Anything else you want really
A bag of tortilla chips, I like Tostitos Bite Size**

Mix everything except for the chips in a pan. Put it on the burner and turn it (the burner) on high. Heat until hot. Serve with chips. Feeds one me, I don't know how many you.

*yes, really

**unless you're my girlfriend reading this, in which case my favorite kind is that fat free, salt free, organic kind, they sell in the special section of the supermarkets for hippies.

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