Chorlton and the Wheelies

2 Conversations

Hello Little Old Lady!

Anyone remember this? This excellent Kids' TV show ran sometime in the late 70's, with repeats going out well into the 80's. Last seen on UK Gold (but not by me), it featured Chorlton the Happiness Dragon, all the inhabitants of Wheelie World (the Wheelies) and my favourites, Fenella the Wicked Welsh Witch and her spellbook, Claptrap.

This really was a cracking show, with Chorlton and his mates foiling all of Fenella's plans to, well, whatever Welsh Witches in big hats do...

Let's have some videos!

Yep, the saddest thing about the show is that it's one of the few that they haven't re-released on video so that odd people who can't let go of their childhood1 can buy it and get all nostalgic. Oh, to have my very own copy of it..... (Sniff!)
If any kind researchers have taped this at some stage, please get in touch - you're my new best friend!
1Technically, this can be interpreted as 'Big Kids'.

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