Aqua Terrace Motel, Ormond Beach FL

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Milady and I stayed there last weekend as we attended my nephew's graduation party.

It's very nicely located, with about half a dozen restaurants right across the street.

Rooms 9 and 30, at least, had a small refrigerator and microwave oven, which adds to the convenience. I understand that some rooms have kitchenettes as well.

The phones worked well for online access, what little I did, if that's a concern.

If you look at AQUATERR.JPG found here - - you can see a picture of the motel from the ocean. Room 30 (where we stayed) is in the upper right corner of the leftmost two-story building. Finches have built a nest in the eaves right outside the window!

I took that picture from right next to the sign that warns about a shipwreck; there's no swimming right off the motel, but if you go just a little bit down the beach either way there are lifeguards and full swimming.

We ate at Julian's - a big A-frame building just north of the motel - and really enjoyed it. It's a bit more formal than Waffle House or even the Chinese buffet close by.

It's an inexpensive yet clean place to crash without getting into the expense of Daytona (which is just down A1A a bit for those who want touristy fun).

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