Reykjavik Music Festival

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Reykjavik Music Festival is today (Saturday 10.6) and tomorrow (Sunday 11.6). I'm not going to write much about it but I'm going to reveal the program. For more information try .
The Festival is hold on a large place, inside two main buildings. Laugardalshöllin (a gymnasium) and Skautahöllin (ice-scate building).
Laugardalshöllin June 10th
Act: < = > Time:
Sálin* 17:30-18:15
Todmobile* 18:35-19:20
Ray Davies 19:50-21:05
Youssou N&#8217;Dour 21:35-22:50
Thursaflokkurinn* 23:20-00:05
Skautahöllin June 10th
Act: < = > Time:
Bang Gang* 18:00-18:30
- Frímann & Arnar - 4 deck
Quarashi* 18:50-19:30
- Árni E & Rampage - 4 deck
Emiliana Torrini* 19:50-20:30
- Agzilla & DJ Amore - 4 deck feat. Mc. Johnny Z
Laurent Garnier 21:00-22:30
- Frímann & Arnar - 4 deck
Asian Dub Foundation 23:00-00:15
- Árni E & Rampage - 4 deck
Herbaliser 00:30-01:15
- Frímann & Arnar - 4 deck
Gus Gus Instrumental* 01:30-03:00
DJ's in between main-acts..
Laugardalshöllin June 11th
Act: < = > Time:
Botnledja* 15:30-16:00
Ensími* 16:15-16:45
Maus* 17:00-17:30
Chumbawamba 18:10-19:10
Kent 19:40-20:40
Ian Brown 21:10-22:10
Bloodhound Gang 22:40-23:55
Bellatrix* 00:15-00:45
200.000 Naglbítar* 01:00-01:30
Skautahöllin June 11th
Act: < = > Time:
Sóldögg* 15:30-16:00
- DJ Gummi Gonzales
Skítamórall* 16:15-16:45
- DJ Gummi Gonzales
Land og Synir* 17:00-17:30
- DJ Gummi Gonzales
ATB - The Perfomance 18:10-19:10
DJ Gummi Gonzales
Selma* 19:40-20:40
- DJ Gummi Gonzales
Sash! 21:10-22:10
Luke Slater 22:40-23:55
DJ Darren Emerson 00:15-00:45
DJ's in between main-acts..
*Icelandic bands.
- DJ's

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