Poetry Events/Gigs in Glasgow

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Winner of this year's Mayfest poetry competition was Jim Ferguson with his lively rendition of a new poem about his native Glasgow.
Also competing was Bobby Christie, freshly returned from his sojourn in India who is now preparing the book of his journey which is eagerly awaited by all who know the sterling collection of poems which followed his African trip some years ago.
Jim has apparently also had one of his poems selected for the Millennium Scottish Poetry Competition and will have a poster made to display the poem at the new Scottish National Musuem in the New Year.
Des Dillon's appearance at the launch of the new literature magazine Nerve at Borders' Bookshop last week gave us the chance to hear a reading form his soon-to-be published novel Ghost of a Chance which looks set to be yet another smash hit for the highly acclaimed writer from Coatbridge.
Ranters. Lovers and Chanters the rantin' ravin' prosduction of Burns' words and music will be on tour in Glasgow during May and early June, further details to follow on a new page.

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