"How do you stir beans?"

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This was a question asked to a group of me and college mates when on a resiential in the Peak District. If anyone out there know's us the Idiot was ****1(yes)2.

The following is a discription of where we were and a trandscript of what was said.

We set the scene

As one of our many Adventure Sports Department residentials we took the ND2 to the Peak District for a week of intense Climbing. Staying in a Youth Hostel but doing our own cooking as a team on a rota system. We also had a team of Activity Insrtuctors to teach us the skills we all need for climbing3

We set the scene a bit more

I was in the kitchen4 one morning with the duty team for that mornings breakfast. We were cooking something like bacon or sausage, egg, and of course baked beans. Then....

One of the Instructors walks in, as everything in the pans begins to burn. So the three members of the duty team, myself and the instructor, dive to rescue: the 6 - 8 or so pans of egg's; and the 4 trays of bacon in the 2 ovens (2 trays in each oven). Now while each of us are running around the kitchen telling each other what we need and what else needed rescueing from being burned. Someone (shall be known as Idiot5) walks in and stands around like a LEMON.

Activity Instructor says

(while burning his hands on

a tray of bacon from an oven):
**** can you stir the beans.
Idiot:How do you stir beans?
Me:Get a spoon

Put it in the Beans

OR Me:WHAT!! How do you stir beans?

Get a spoon

Put it in the Beans


So just to conclude

If you still do not know how to stir beans8

If you are over the age of 10 years you should already be aware of this action. (under 10's you probibly should know this any way)

To stir something place a spoon9 or other object into what you want to stir and then move it around. The moving around of the spoon or object part of this is known as stiring

If you get asked how to stir beans10

If they are over the age of 10 years they should already be aware of this action. SO KICK THEM11 after explaining the following to them. (Under 10's probibly should know this any way but it is less likely so DO NOT KICK THEM)

To stir something place a spoon12 or other object into what you want to stir and then move it around. The moving around of the spoon or object part of this is known as stiring

1Just to protect his identity2I would have said Idiot Child but they were an adult of 183They were also staying in the Hostel and we were cooking for them as well.4cooking some gluten free food5 and refered to by **** for his name6Or it could have been STIR!!!!7Or it could have been STIR!!!!8or how to stir anyting for that matter9SPOONS10or how to stir anyting for that matter11I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS!! (eg kicking people)12SPOONS

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