Talking Point: Should we all Become Vegetarians?

4 Conversations

Market food stall loaded up with nice-looking assorted vegetables.

From riots in Mogadishu to 20p on a loaf of bread at the local corner shop, the rising cost of food is becoming a global hot potato (sorry). The explanations are numerous. Some blame the rush to biofuels. Others point to China's growing wealth and the population's loss of appetite for subsisting on 'rice porridge'.

But one section of society, one much maligned by F Word presenters and Argentinian cattle-ranchers alike, might suggest, if not a solution, then maybe a way forward: vegetarianism. After all, scientists have proved that growing crops is a far more efficient use of energy than grazing animals. And it could even reduce carbon dioxide emissions. So what we want to know this week is: should we all become vegetarians?

  • What would be the major benefits of such a move?

  • Could you ever really see yourself giving up meat?

  • Would it put too many livelihoods at risk?

  • Is it more - or less - healthy to be a vegetarian?

  • Would it really help in the fight against global warming?

  • Are there more effective ways to tackle the global food crisis?

  • Or is rising food costs a short-term phenomenon that we needn't worry about too much?

  • Then again, maybe you're already a vegetarian?

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