Because I said so...

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The term, "Because I said so!" is an extremly annoying term, and can often get most people angry, unless of course, your the one saying it. Most people wonder why Bosses, Parents, Teachers, Guardians... (Inforcers) even say that, when you know there is a perfectly good reason for why they should not.

Most people get the response, "Because I said so!" is when someone asks for permission, or asks a question and needs a response, and the person saying it doesnt want to say the answer, or reason why.

This has puzzled many wise thinkers. But the answer to this question can be found right here in the guide.

And so the answer of why people simply say that is:

Because they want to be and ass of themselves because they simply dont want you to, or they dont want to give you an answer.

This has still puzzled many people, because for saying, "Because I said so!" will start an argument, in which only 2 results will arise.

1. They will never tell you why and they will you will give up.
2. They give up and tell you.

Either way, it waists time, and the question is brought up of why the Statment was even brought up in the first place, rather than giving a simple answer.

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