Eastern Illinois University (tm)
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Eastern Illinois University (tm) (Henceforth, abbreviated EIU (tm)), is, according to our website, known by some parties as the "Harvard (tm) of the Midwest (tm)" This may sound good to the casual observer/prospective student, but for reasons that are too numerous to delve into here, may result in a chortle, chuckle, laugh, or stare of outright disbelief from those that go here.
Now, I'm not saying that we're not a fine institution--Heaven (tm) forbid! Nonetheless, I believe that the comparison stems from the large castle-type structure that serves as the modern day administration building, and its ivy covered walls--known affectionately (by most) as "Old Main (tm)"
Anyway, EIU (tm) is a lovely, small (10,000-11,000 enrollment), liberal arts college, nestled inside acres of corn (tm), soybeans (tm) and more corn (tm). Did I mention the corn (tm)?
EIU (tm) is a study in contrasts. People from Chicago (tm) (a.k.a. "The Center of the Known Universe (tm)" to it's residents) interact with people from the lesser-populated segments of Illinois (tm)--the rest of the state--and are referred to affectionately as "downstaters(tm)", "townies(tm), or "redneck hicks(tm)" by certain parties. Numerous equally affectionate nicknames (unprintable in such an esteemed publication) exist on the part of the "downstaters(tm)" to describe those "Yankees(tm)" from Chicago(tm).
Getting tired of trademarks(tm) yet?
EIU is known primarily for a large number of education(tm) majors, and a sizable business department as well. This is where all the funding is. All of it. There are other sizable majors on campus, but, well...let's just not go there, in case someone actually reads this entry.
Well, so much more to say, but so little time.
Aimless_Wanderer signing off...