computer errors
Created | Updated May 6, 2008
This submission as a guide page comes from today's experience on this BBC website, written from the American perspective, which is not totally removed from that of any British ezperience. (Basically, computing is the same worldwide).
What follows is a short list of problems one may encounter when cicumnavigating this website as well as many others, and additionally some solutions to these problems are noted.
Good luck in your endeavors!
The first and most common problem is a slowing down of your computer. There are many causes for this, but only a very few are common enough to consider, such as viruses or spyware. Some symptoms;
If your webcam seems to always be looking directly at you, and you hear utterances in some foreign language in the background from the audio, then chances are it is SPYWARE. Contacting the embassy will usually eliminate this.
Listless behavior accompanied by fever and chills indicate a COMPUTER VIRUS. (The exception may be that your computer is rooting in the potato patch. Probably has SWINE FLU). Do not waste your time at a doctor's surgery, as he/she will suggest medication and bedrest.
The second and by far most annoying problem is COMPUTER FREEZE UP.
This can be caused by running too many programs at once, especially playing a CRADLE OF FILTH disc while perusing any other website. (There can be a devastating build up of dirt in the poor PC). If this happens in warm weather, then chances are popping the computer into the microwave for a minute or two can thaw it, or even a hot bath. Be careful in either case not to over do it, as softening of the hard drive may occur.
Lastly, bear in mind the humidity may result in water droplets forming on the inside of the monitor screen. Simply remove the back of the monitor and blow out these droplets with a hair dryer.
There you go, hope these hints have been helpful!