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A clear out - old papers all given the sack
and there on the carpet from times gone black,
lies a poem for ‘Y’ – it transported me there
right back to the building of the port in the air.

As I sat there spellbound, the blackness dissolved
and I could see clearly just who was involved.
But a question remained – how could such a verse,
have been forgotten completely, or something much worse?

So an investigation aided by Larry no less
found a line from the poem and the hootoo address.
A piscean wordsmith, grand master, old trout,
claimed the copyright of ‘Y’- that plagiarist lout!

Unless, perhaps, quite possibly, might,
the author be him, that shed a new light.
So a look through the archives told me all was quite well
there’s a good number there, and the Doc, Annabel.

So there you have it, Toffee the sleuth.
And often I consider, to tell you the truth,
how Dads son is doing, and his kith, and his kin.
And in case you were wondering 'Y' is not yet in the bin!

Toffee 4/4/08

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