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First, I would like to say that this is not, I repeat NOT, debate on the curch or anyone who attend churches or anything similar to them. This is only my imagination and is only in my head. But I know they are after me! You'll see!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH...
Well, anyway. What I am going to write about today is churches. Not what's in them or what people do in them, but what the goverment is planing to do (and they've already started here on Iceland). (On Iceland the Minister of Church Affairs and the Minister of Justice is the same minister in Minister of Curch Affairs and Justice).
Last Sunday (4.6.) I was walking down town, heading for lunch at 11:45 when I hear the church bells ring. Once they only rang one time per hour but the time was 11:45. When I had finish my lunch and I was going back I heard the curch bells again at 12:25. At 12:45 and 13:15 I heard the church bells ring.
So I start to think. Why are they ringing the bells whenever they feel like it? And I've come up with an answer.
They [the goverment] are trying to confuse us by having many noons. There is only one, of course, but they are going to have it sooner. Soon we'll start working at six am, take a lunchbrake at 10 am and work until six pm.
I recommend that you'll get you a sunwatch so you will be able to have your lunch brake at noon, not at ten.
Prepare, be ware, be there (don't know where =) or be square!

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