Flat Universe

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I was very interested to read about the theory of the flat universe. Is there anyone out there who beleives it?
Theoretically it makes sound sense since i have allways thought that our solar system is actualy in something equivalent to a black hole.
This leads me to think that, whilst we think that the distant galaxies are billions of miles away, they are indeed physically very close, ie in the order of a few thousand miles. In fact since relativity says that space is warped, this suggests that time is also warped so suggesting that these galaxies are far away in terms of TIME and not space. This also makes it easier to beleive that although we try to contact aliens, they cannot receive our signals since the signals cannot escape from our "black hole" system. They in turn will not be aware of us since they will not see or hear us. Or do they just use this part of the universe as a "wormhole" to pas through on their way somewhere else? This is thought to be an ancient beleif in many old religions to explain areas of the earth such as the Bermuda triangle.

Anyone else got any further ideas?


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