Goldfish FAQ
Created | Updated Jan 18, 2005
A: no
Q: what do I feed my pet goldfish?
A: anything that comes in dry flake form, there are bottles at the pet store but I use dandruff.
Q: how often should I clean the tank?
A: you should clean your fish tank every time you get drunk and can't find the bathroom, and use the bowl as a substitute.
Q: how do I dispose of my dead goldfish?
A: there are many ways, flushing them, burying them, I tend to eat them, but only if I was sober enough to find the bathroom while drunk.
Q: how do I prepare a goldfish meal?
A: roast in oven with a bit of wine, never use the microwave, tends to get rather messy.
Q: Are gold fish good with other fish?
A: who cares, survival of the fastest swimmer.
Q: Is the goldfish related to the babelfish?
A: yes in two ways, they both live in water, and tend to use fins to move about...usually