Tea Time Villain
Created | Updated Jan 15, 2005
"...there's always
two kinds. The soldier
villain who fights the hero
with his hands, and then
there's the real threat. The
brilliant and evil arch
enemy who fights the hero
with his mind." - Unbreakable
Tea Time Villlains
This entry deals with a minute sect of the second kind of villain. They have been dubbed the "Tea Time Villains." The reason for this name is because the inspiration for this theory was Prof. James Moriarty.
A Tea Time Villain is the kind who would be able to sit down with their arch-nemisis and have a discussion before they enter into the epic, climatic battle. This is the key factor that seperates these people from the rest of the arch enemies out there as many couldn't stand to be in the same room as the hero.
Dramatis Persona
James Moriarty
The original Tea Time Villain. Arch-Nemisis of Sherlock Holmes. Once called the "Nepolean of Crime" he masterminded most crimes in Holmes' London. Mathmatic genius and gentleman scholar.
Lex Luthor
CEO of LuthorCorp. Arch-Nemisis of Superman. Superman adds insult to injury by getting involved with Lex's ex girlfriend Lois Lane.
Eric Magnus
Better known as Magneto. Arch-Nemisis of Professor Xavier. Magneto and Prof.X worked together for years helping the sick, even built mutant finding Cerbro together. Split because of different views of mutant-human relations.
Leader of the Deadly Viper Assissans. Arch-Nemisis of Beatrix Kiddo (aka The Bride). Tried to kill Beatrix on her wedding day, didn't finish the job. Great discussion on Superman right before his death.