Join the society...
Created | Updated Oct 23, 2005
Join Up today!!
I'm sorry but this is as high tech as it gets, I'm afraid.
But anyway, join
A.R.M.Y. (A Right Multitude of Yobs)
by going here and state your name, the position you would like (e.g. Chief executioner), your reseacher number (e.g. 722932), and what experience you have (this means - have you been in any other organisations?) plus any additional information.
Put that information down and I will then decide your rank (e.g. Captain, commander) from your experience (don't worry you can get promoted later) and put your name and rank on HQ along with your smiley...
p.s. I am a little forgetful sometimes so don't be alarmed if your name does not appear immediately!!
Go to A.R.M.Y. HQ for the latest news...