Delightful Scents

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The afternoon found me wandering restlessly from one empty chamber to another until I saw him. My day perked up and brightened immediately. I took in his invigorating cologne of sunny citrus, and the sweet fragrance of tangerines wafted toward me as I drew nearer. His back seemed to me stiffened and taut in the swivel chair facing his laptop. My feet carried me to him as I padded silently across the room. Stalking his unwary presence, oblivious to the reality outside of the electronic gadget that enticed him so enchantingly. Well, he could use a breather. I reckoned as I pounced on him in energetic fervor. The hazel flecked gaze was startled. Take me! I seized the advantage to demand. Take me! I rubbed my cheek hopefully against that computer-tanned face. Get away from that screen and come be mine! I need you.
When a female desires something, something usually happens. Heeding my unspoken pleads, he picked me up and spun me around. He appeared so fragile that his strength surprised me. Two playful whirls later; I was gently lowered down onto the crimson and gold patterned carpet while my head continued spinning. Those beautiful eyes were warm with regard and mirth. I stuck out my tongue at him and he laughed, a giddying ringing that pumped my heart. A fierce joy overwhelmed me that my wish was on the brink of fulfillment. Please, take me, take me, take me! I shook with excitement as he tousled my hair fondly. He teased the gnarls in my coat away. His mouth twisted into a wry grin at my eagerness when I chided him. Hurry, I barked at him with all the impatience of youth. Let us start this instant.
"Oh, dearest," his soothing voice rumbled as he rubbed my shoulders and then caressed my back. "Be calm, Lady." The elegant fingers stroked my belly. I enjoyed the massage tremendously, taking comfort in the skilled maneuver.
But what of my need? I leapt away from his hands as if they were angry flames. My sudden movement astonished him; he stood with his fingers mobile in the air. He dropped them sheepishly to hang by his side as he regarded me. I dragged the item back to him. Dawn breaks upon his features and his brows lifted in comprehension. He wiggled his shoulders for a moment, placed the glittering collar around my neck, then bowed to me mockingly. "As your royal majesty wishes." I panted in anticipation. He smoothed my hair a final time, and abandoned the computer room. We swept out the door for the walk in the park. Wroof, Wroof!

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