Medical Teflon and other synthetic polymeres.

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I would like to speak a bit on the subject of Teflon and other simmilar synthetic polymeres being placed in the body
durring surgery. At one time synthetic polymere substances were commonly placed
in the human body, but knowledge on the dawn of the new millenium tells us
that teflon decomposes in the body and can also cause all sorts of nasty health
problems. They can also emmbed their broken down particles into major organs and
cause further health problems, that could lead to organ failure and even death.

If you have reason to belive that you have had a synthetic polymere mesh placed in your
human body durring a surgery, see your doctor immeadiately. It may save your

This page was written in honor of my dear friend Jeanie, who is currently suffering
due to a decomposing synthetic polymere mesh and I know she would Like others to know about
this little discussed fact, as it may spare others the difficulties she is now experiencing.

Also, in closing of this article, please think of Jeanie in your prayers to whatever higher
power you recognize.

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