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I do not 'believe'; I am convinced by proof and logic.

I am convinced by proof and logic (though mostly logic; proof of God will always have to be stretched) that not only there is a God, but that God and the Universe are one,

And that God and the Universe are infinite, however constantly changing. The time in this cycle where there is life is between the "beginning of the universe" and the "end of the universe".

Our "Souls" are simply small parts of the infinite and everlasting God.

Our "Bodies" are simply small parts of the infinite and everlasting Universe.

God controls everything we do with an omnipotent ventriloquist's hand.

The universe controls everything we do with a (mostly) invisible string of reactions known to observers as thought processes.

The universe/god/we are caught in an infinite loop of time, caused by the "end of the universe", at which point the intense gravity twists the dimension of time back to the "beginning of the universe".

Our actions aren't controlled by some outside force; we are part of the universe, and the formation of life and evolution to sapience are all sets of reactions. At sapience, our minds involve incredibly long strings of reactions involving emotions and opinions about morality and survival of the species. All the decisions we make are reactions to previous events, either genetically stored as instincts or mentally stored as memories.

It isn't that our being controlled by "God" or "The Universe" proves the futility of life, or that we should all just give up on it; it means we have to make the right decisions.

Some people may be convinced by this argument that life is futile and meaningless and decide to give up on it. This reaction is based on their emotions and previous events.

Others will be convinced by their memories of various books I haven't read that I'm a complete moron, and will most likely comment on it, saying things about the absurdity of the existence of God, etc.

Others still will agree with my ideas and be convinced to my way of thinking.

This last group may then ask, "What should we do for this Universe-God?"

And I have only one answer; worship it.

This doesn't mean you should go hippy-all and scream to protect the environment or anything.

It should be noted that I think we should try to protect "real" nature as long as we can because cities are ugly and grey.

But basically you should just know that you're not just you, you're part of a very, very large universe. You're not the only one in the universe, however you may be the only one watching out for yourself.

Since logic follows that our souls and bodies are attached, when the body is decomposed and becomes one with the "dead" universe (which is actually moving very fast) our souls become one with God, and may later be used in things like plants which may be eaten by animals which may give birth to a reincarnated version of yourself.

Life is everywhere.

That pretty much pins down all the questions I've asked myself on the subject, and if it holds true to proof and logic, then any logical person would simply have to continue thinking logically and any questions they have would be answered.

Just because it is possible to logically imagine ones' spiritual self continuing after death, it is not recommended by this writer to attempt to remember previous selves. This is mostly because once the "soul self" becomes one with the "god", it loses the "self" part, not to mention that the brain ceases to think thoughts of "self" among others, and eventually the entire consciousness-invoking mechanism known as the body decomposes. The "soul self" represents the reactions controlling each bit of matter, so any life recycled would not have the same soul as its previous "owner".

And as long as you think the universe will happen again, you can rest assured that you'll be you again in a few sextillion years.

As far as religion, I don't like it. I don't like doing things because people said so even though those people are saying so because other people said so, and those people are saying so because other people are saying so, and so on and so forth until you get back to the guy who was actually really in touch with the universe and was like, "Hey, it'd be cool if we didn't kill each other."

Prayer in itself may let you listen to your local universe, possibly answering questions you have, however possibly not. Meditation will let you re-consider reactions you have made in the past, affecting future reactions.

By what I now think based on my reactions, I have already written this article.

In fact I may have already written it several nonillion times.

But life could also be completely meaningless and random, so there.

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