Created | Updated Jan 12, 2005
Meaning that in a way, I myself do not not believe in the christian god or Buddah. It is a religion that does not question, not even other religions. It just is. The answer is never that one believes or doesn't believe but that the concept of sacrosanct trails farther then the central relgion itself. Modern man does not understand the concept of not having an answer to what is true or what is false, but the ancients did.
This is a rewrite of an earlier poem about the religion.
"This is what it means to die. An exscape from reality(society)*. The Father**(Alnah), the one who sacrificed others in order to bring us into this void, has come again to do the same. Death. Death is who gives us life. And he is who spreads our lives[or life] among others. There is no up [Heaven] without a down[a midevil version of "hell" known as the Underneth or Underlife]. Akna is likewise***. Exspelling death, without causing him harm, for they are enternal brothers, and blocks his moves. Always getting better, fighting against eachother, growing stronger, yet never letting each other fade(die or be conquered). This is Unity. Unity within each Mineye****
*Maybe even life
**Father in terms of life can only exist with out the creation of death
***Meaning unknown
****Mineye or Mineeye, the intermost layer of ones self where truth dwells. Is constantly personified, and is used to mean the time before the "gut feeling' when all actions are predefined
The most misunderstood presumtions about Vivicicism.
Alchemy is just a science. This is not true alchemy became a huge influence on religion and was also known as one.
The Ones Of Four. This is incredibly hard to explain. If one is himself then it is possible for others to be himself also. Imagine youself now. It is "possible"(inside the religion it is this way) that somewhere out there is a complete likeness of you. In some otheness. There is also a possibility that out there is a person who is exactly opposite of you. So therefore there are three "likenesses" of you. And this implies that they two have a complete likness of themselves one being you. So the one who is the complete opposite of you also has a likness of himself that is exactly the same. Four. Every action you do has an effect on the others. And every action they do does the same. You could say that this promotes one to do right because doing wrong will directly effect them.
Fiks ua Q'Gar najwa R'Gwua-nab, "Gold is what makes a man"
Nab ua Q'Gar najwa fiks "And it is man that makes gold"
Ibwe Q'gi ua Biv'Kw ua akai fiks "One who is noble is also gold"
Di'ye fiks ua akai Biv'Kw "For gold is noble, also"