How Things Started

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In first, there was nothing. You can't have something first because only one thing can be first. If you would have two firsts it wouldn't make any sense. =)
I think the very first Nothing was a cloud (Some say that clouds are something but don't listen to them. They are wrong. At least were they wrong. Then the other clouds kicked in. They were something at least). From that cloud it raind Nothing. A puddle came from this rain. A puddle of Nothing. Out of this puddle crawled a creature. That creature got bored, because it was the only live form there, so it started to make Something out of all the Nothings it had. It made galaxys and planets and suns and alot of stuff.
This creature have sometimes been called God. We have other names for this creature as well, it depends on what religion you prefer. But the fact is that this creature hasn't got a name, because there is no one to talk to it.
So what I am saying is that Life, the Universe and Everything (or Something) were all originally made out of Nothing. And that's why the Universe is expanding all the time, this creature is still bored.
Nothing can come from Something because Something was made out of Nothing in the first place...

This is only a breif summary of what I've been saying at the forum 'Can Something Come From Nothing?'
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